Scott Simmons - One Percent Realty (Salt Spring)
A guide to Salt Spring Island, B.C.
everything from music and art to restaurants and accommodation.
Salt Spring Island, Travel and Tourism information.
history, maps, attractions, outdoor adventures, wedding planning etc..
Windsor Plywood
Salt Spring Island's locally owned supplier for all of YOUR home improvement and maintenance needs, whether you are building, renovating or maintaining...... Windsor has your solutions.
Salt Spring Studio Tour of Artists and Artisans
The Salt Spring Studio Tour is an annual self-guided tour of more than 30 artist and artisan studios on the island. The arts and crafts are of exceptional quality and the tour also includes several farms and vineyards.
Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce
information for visitors, chamber members and general information
Salt Spring Air- Seaplanes and floatplanes
Saltspring Air is the islanders airline. They are a locally owned airline based out of Ganges on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada and offer scheduled seaplane service between Salt Spring Island, Vancouver and Vancouver Island.
BC Ferries- Welcome aboard
for schedule, fare and reservation information.
School District 64 in the Gulf Islands
Information on schools, programs and special events